October 4, 2010


As long as nobody reveals to "them" that I Tivo The Oprah Winfrey Show I feel I am just days away from VIP status at Old Ironsides...
Ok, maybe not VIP, but perhaps the girls who deliberately ugly themselves in order to stand out front dangerous establishments while soiling their teeth with smoke won't flick their ashes on me when I'm standing in line next to them waiting to get into a Monsters of Folk concert. I know, I know, it's a pipe dream.
Where does this false sense of skinny Jeaned street cred come from you ask? Today was a monumental day in which my friend Johnboy introduced me to the EPIC website Holiday Matinee out of San Diego. You see, once upon a time I wrote for a music magazine, didn't brush my hair and attended obscure concerts in stinky places. Now-a-days I'm more likely to be found at Trader Joe's buying overpriced body wash or blogging about nail polish (true story). Sure, I know that this transition has been for the better, but some small piece of me still yearns for the days of top ramen and angst. Cue Holiday Matinee.
This site is like the mecca of all things Hipster, but without actually having to be around any hipsters. You see, hipsters are unclean and generally annoying, but they do have a keen ability to find cool music, interesting art, fun t-shirts and unique accesories and clothing from local artists who sell their stuff super cheap 'cause they need fast drug money (also a true story). Their woe is your win!
I spent literally hours listening to their BOMB mixed tape - listen HERE, shopping at their supermarket of clothes, accessories, household goods and art - peruse HERE, and reading their witty and informative blog - HERE. Some of my fave finds are below, including a piece i had to own today. SO, grab yourself a pabst tall boy, and get searching on this perfectly too-cool-for-you site.
I may have bought this. 
So inappropriate BUT halloween is just around the corner...
Kinda love this spin on a classic

I find these wind chimes simple and pretty 

This necklace is Sandra Dee post makeover - HOT

Love this artist - mid century modern art - insert tongue in cheek

1 comment:

  1. Well Said Mr. G, the mixtapes and t shirts really are amazing. Good to see you getting back to your roots. Come back to Wicker Park...we will dirty you up some more.
