August 24, 2010



There is a 17 year old kid down in the Big Easy named Robert I Brown who has quickly become a style maker with the under 25 set. In a world of skinny jeans and throwback neon everything, R.I.B is a trumpeter of all things classic, sophisticated and quality. While he might be one of the loudest voices of his generation (he has a popular blog) I don’t think that his affection for the refined is a lone endeavor. As is always, teens and particularly the early twenty somethings set the bar of where street fashion is going. Judging from the streets of midtown Sacramento – it’s time to make way for those wing tips in the back of your closet and maybe even a bow tie.

Here’s the thing, it’s hard to wear things like bow ties and suspenders without looking more doucheoisie than bourgeoisie. While there was once a time that a man could wear a bowtie and suspenders as part of a semi formal ensemble, now is not the time. Here are the rules for throwback accessories that will help keep you from looking like a clown – 1) One at a time. Never double up. 2) Dress it down or go super formal, never in between (You’ll end up looking like professor plum) 3) You can have a sense of humor while still being confident. Don't end up looking like this tragic friend:

How to dress it down:
Pair it with jeans, roll up your sleeves, where brown distressed shoes or even sneakers. Go with a smaller style in a paisley or pattern.

How to dress it up:

Let the tie make the statement. Wear a clean tailored suit with a crisp white shirt or pale blue. I would avoid vests, suspenders and length in the jacket. Looks best with a single breasted suit with a peak lapel. To give a more formal traditional feel, rock something wool like the ones by Beam + (See top pic).

Warning, if you don't feel comfortable in a bowtie (or your husband doesn't) don't force it. It takes swagger to pull it off, and if you don't have it, it won't work.

- brother

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